A2 Südautobahn
Rest areas and sevice stations along the A2 »Südautobahn« between Vienna and Arnoldstein with petrol stations and restaurants.
Rest Area, Petrol Station on the A2 Motorway
The motorway A2 is called »Südautobahn« (Literally "South Motorway") in Austria. The motorway A2 »Südautobahn« connects Vienna to the south via Graz and Klagenfurt and ends at the border between Italy and Austria. There you can continue on a italian motorway to Udine and Triest. In our list of rest areas and petrol stations you will find kilometers. They are always the distance from the official starting point independent of the direction you are using. Many of them are also offering free WiFi, cash services or even a place to take a shower.
Length of the Motorway: 377 Kilometers
Federal States: Vienna, Lower Austria, Styria, Burgenland, Carinthia
Motorway A2: Rest Areas from Vienna to Arnoldstein / Italy
The list of rest areas and petrol stations on the motorway A2 is already according to the driving direction. We recommend to get petrol already in Austria if you want to go to Italy, because the prices in Italy are about 10 to 15 percent higher.
14,43 Guntramsdorf (Petrol Station)
32,08 Triestingtal
40,93 Bad Fischau (Petrol Station)
50,35 Steinfeld
60,84 Witzelsberg
78,76 Zöbern (Petrol Station)
98,00 Pinkafeld/West
105,50 Loipersdorf (Petrol Station)
113,24 St. Johann
133,87 Hainersdorf
147,50 Ilztal/Nord
154,10 Arnwiesen (Petrol Station)
170,16 Laßnitzhöhe Nord
190,77 Kaiserwald (Petrol Station)
220,13 Herzogberg Nord
235,21 Pack (Petrol Station)
242,44 Twimberg Nord (Sonnenturm)
262,91 St. Andrä
268,89 Gönitz/Nord
279,17 Haimburg Nord
285,09 Völkermarkt (Petrol Station)
300,00 Grafenstein Nord
329,28 Krumpendorf/Nord
340,13 Wörthersee (Petrol Station)
349,03 Sternberg/Nord
361,73 Federaun/Nord
374,17 Dreiländereck Süd (Petrol Station)
374,27 Dreiländereck Nord (Petrol Station)
Motorway A2: Rest Areas from Arnoldstein to Vienna
The list of rest areas and petrol stations on the motorway A2 is already according to the driving direction.
374,27 Dreiländereck Nord (Petrol Station)
374,17 Dreiländereck Süd (Petrol Station)
362,78 Federaun/Süd
349,01 Sternberg/Süd
340,13 Wörthersee (Petrol Station)
333,84 Karawankenblick/Süd
300,00 Grafenstein Süd
285,09 Völkermarkt (Petrol Station)
268,86 Gönitz/Süd
259,85 Fischering
242,34 Twimberg Süd
235,21 Pack (Petrol Station)
220,19 Herzogberg Süd
190,77 Kaiserwald (Petrol Station)
170,65 Laßnitzhöhe Süd
154,10 Arnwiesen (Petrol Station)
147,50 Ilztal/Nord
134,06 Bad Blumau
113,05 St. Johann
105,50 Loipersdorf (Petrol Station)
97,98 Pinkafeld/Ost
86,70 Schäffern Ost
78,76 Zöbern (Petrol Station)
61,52 Gleissenfeld
51,18 Wr. Neustadt
39,31 Föhrenberg (Petrol Station)
32,08 Leobersdorf
14,43 Guntramsdorf (Petrol Station)